CSaG1 - CEO Succession Planning: Understanding What It Is, Why It Is Important, and How to Overcome Barriers
Saturday, August 24, 2024
1:30 PM – 2:45 PM ET
Location: Regency VII
CPE:1.5 CME: 1.25 CE: 1.0 CEU: 1.25
“CEO Succession Planning” are three words that are often misunderstood and a recent assessment found that over 35% of health center boards and CEOs thought they could enhance their practices in this area. Succession planning is not about picking the next CEO but rather about creating a roadmap for an executive leadership transition when the time comes. Not only is CEO succession planning is an important board role, it is required for health centers under the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Emergency Preparedness Rule. This session will address the two complementary components of a CEO succession plan: 1) a CEO succession policy and 2) A CEO backup (emergency) plan. Participants will also have a chance to discuss common barriers and strategies for overcoming such barriers related to CEO succession planning.
Learning Objectives:
Describe why CEO succession planning is important
Define what CEO succession planning entails
Discuss common challenges related to CEO succession planning and strategies for overcoming them