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2024 CHI & EXPO Conference Tracks

340B Compliance and Policy

For decades health centers have participated in the 340B program supporting critical comprehensive services to the patients that need it the most. As federal grantees, health centers have unique challenges related to the 340B program. This track will provide a deep dive into 340B compliance and policy topics specifically from the health center perspective. Additionally, attendees will have the opportunity for peer-to-peer learning and networking with others in the 340B community.

Advocacy and Mobilization

From the grassroots to the grass tops, mobilizing health center advocates must be a priority for all. This track educates and equips learners with the essential skills necessary for sustained messaging and action on policy and legislative issues critical to the survival and growth of the Health Center Program as well as community organizing efforts to build power in the health center movement.

Health Center Essentials

Understanding the basic elements of the Health Center Program is essential in providing whole-person care. This track highlights foundational concepts in finance and operations, program compliance and performance improvement, and health care access for special and vulnerable populations, and racially and ethnically diverse communities.

Health Center Governance

A strong patient-majority, community-based board that understands its role and effective governance practices is better able to govern and help the health center adapt and thrive in the complex health care environment. This track focuses on health center board roles, good governance practices, and highlights emerging issues that impact governance. While these sessions are geared towards board members, staff who work with boards may also find them useful.

Policy Analysis

How are recent changes in policy impacting your health center? This track identifies policy issues and the implications on the Health Center Program, site operations, funding, payers and program/reimbursement requirements, in addition to understanding and applying the latest health center research demonstrating health center value. Finally, this track will explore policy levers that promote accessible whole-person care as well as the role of policy in addressing health inequities.

Population Health and Quality Improvement

Providing your health center with the necessary tools to understand the evolving needs of your community and the use of a deliberate and defined improvement process is necessary to systematically improve the way care is delivered and improve population health. This track showcases educational sessions on care coordination and population health management strategies (e.g. empanelment, risk stratification, risk scoring that includes social drivers of health), utilizing data to drive quality improvement, upstream or systems-level transformation that directly impact the social drivers of health, and highlighting effective case studies of health centers transforming their practice to provide whole-person care.

Value-Based Care/Payment Innovation and Transformation

Some health centers are in varying stages of using innovative approaches to transform care and advance toward value-based models of care and payment. Each stage along the continuum will impact the provision of whole-person care and improve health equity. Understanding what transformation means to your health center and state is a critical part of the practice transformation process. This track delivers education and peer dialogue on the changing health care delivery system including a variety of value-based care models, reimbursement via accountable care models, managed care contracting, and alternative payment methodologies.

Workforce Investment in the Future

Are you investing in your health center’s staff and leaders today to build and maintain a high-performing, compassionate health center workforce that delivers high quality, cost-effective, patient-centered care for the foreseeable future? This track explores resources, techniques, drivers, and models to recruit, retain, train and care for your workforce; highlights current trends that make this more necessary; and examines approaches to make the case for growing workforce investments.