President and CEO
Healthcare Network
Jamie Ulmer is the CEO of Healthcare Network, (FQHC) Naples/Immokalee, FL, he was appointed to the role in July 2022. He brings a wealth of healthcare leadership experience to the role, including 24 years of service in the Army as a Medical Service Corps Officer. He saw multiple deployments and job assignments with progressive leadership responsibilities. In 2013, Jamie honorably retired from active duty. Upon his retirement, Jamie worked for the SC Department of Health and Environmental Control as the state’s public health administrator for emergency medical services for children; served as public health administrator for the United States Army, Fort Jackson, SC; and was recruited to be chief operating officer of Rural Health Services, (FQHC) in Aiken, SC. Prior to joining, Healthcare Network he was the CEO for Heart of Florida Health Center (FQHC) in Marion County, FL where he spearheaded the signing of multiple county (Marion and Sumter) Jail Inmate Healthcare contracts to provide all aspects of healthcare. Jamie currently serves on multiple NACHC and FACHC committees. He earned his BS degree in psychology from South Carolina State University, and masters degrees in human resources development and health services management from Webster University in St. Louis.
Sunday, August 25, 2024
1:30 PM – 2:45 PM ET