Chief Informatics Officer/Deputy Director
Andrew is a Masters prepared Nurse Informaticist with 25+ years of experience in both in-patient nursing care and outpatient community health as well as nursing administration. As the Chief Informatics Officer, Andrew leads AllianceChicago’s efforts related to developing health IT support for promoting interoperability, Patient Centered Medical Homes, and Population Health Management. Andrew also leads the organization's team supporting the development of data reporting & analytics including AI. Andrew is the co-chair of the Chicago Area PCORnet Informatics Working Group and HHS UDS Modernization efforts. He is an adjunct faculty at the University of Illinois at Chicago School of Nursing. Prior to working for the Alliance, Andrew was a Pediatric Critical Care nurse at a large academic hospital and also a member of their biomedical informatics team. He has also served as the Director of Patient Care Services for Howard Brown Health Center, a CHC located in Chicago. Andrew holds a BS in Nursing and MS in Nursing Business and Health Systems Administration with a focus on Nursing Informatics from the University Of Michigan School Of Nursing. Andrew is a Fellow of the third class of the Health Innovators Fellowship and a member of the Aspen Global Leadership Network.
PCA & HCCN General Session & Luncheon (Special Registration Required)
Friday, August 23, 2024
8:00 AM – 1:00 PM ET