Are you a new health center board member? Do you want to learn about the role of the board and your responsibilities as a board member? This program – designed with the needs of new health center board members in mind – starts with an overview of health center board roles. This offering also introduces effective board functioning, and several areas of board oversight including quality and financial. Participants will also learn how they can use their story to advocate and build relationships for the health center, and will gain an understanding of where to access additional on-demand resources to continue their learning.
Who Should Attend? Board Member Boot Camp is designed for new health center board members. Participants that want a refresher on board roles may also find attending to be helpful.**
What to Expect Board members will:
Have an opportunity to meet fellow health center board members from across the country
Learn typical health center board responsibilities
Identify the importance of the board and CEO partnership
Learn the fundamentals of effective board functioning (meetings, committees, culture)
Discuss how they would respond to specific board scenario
Gain an introduction to certain key forms of oversight – including financial and quality
Learn about the role of the board and board members in advocacy and organizing, and practice sharing their story in support of the health center mission
Schedule* (All times are Eastern Time)
8:30am - 10:30am: Overview of Health Center Board Roles The opening segment of Board Member Boot Camp includes:
Welcome and Orientation to the program including a chance to meet fellow health center board members
An Introduction to the three major categories of board roles: Strategy, Oversight and Policy, and Board Functioning
A high-level overview of board-focused requirements that are part of the Health Resource and Services Administration’s (HRSA) Health Center Program
Discussion of individual board member duties
An introduction to some fundamentals related to effective board functioning (meetings, committees, culture)
10:30am - 10:45am: Break
10:45am - 12:15pm: Essential Components of Health Center Board Oversight This segment will address how a board carries out its oversight role. It will address key areas of board oversight – including financial and quality – in some detail including the important intersection between these two components.
12:15pm - 1:15pm: Lunch on Own
1:15pm - 2:45pm: Supporting the Health Center Mission: Introduction to Advocacy and Storytelling for Health Center Board Members & Program Wrap Up Patient-majority, community-based health center boards and their members play a critical role in advocating for and building relationships to support the health center mission. This segment will define advocacy, as well as discuss the role of the board and the individual board member in allowable forms of advocacy. It will also include time for participants to practice sharing their own story to support the health center mission.
Registration Registration will open in June and information for the boot camp can be found here.
NACHC Member Rate $250 (1st and 2nd registrant from an organization)/NACHC Member Rate $230 (3rd or more registrants from the same organization)
Non-Member Rate $500 (1st and 2nd registrant from an organization)/Non-Member Rate $460 (3rd or more registrants from the same organization
Important Information
* Initial schedule as of June 2024. Subject to change.
Some in-person audience participation will take place via the NACHC Mobile App. In-person attendees are strongly encouraged to bring a smart phone or tablet, and to download the NACHC Mobile App in advance of attending Board Member Boot Camp.
Meals will not be provided on-site during Board Member Boot Camp.
** Please note this program does not go into detail about co-applicant board roles or governance structures for public agencies, such as county or city health departments and universities, among others, that may receive grant funding under the Health Center Program. For information on public center governance, please refer to the Public Centers Monograph or a short video on Public Entity and Co-applicant Board Roles.
Additional topics will be addressed during the Community Health Institute. Please consider registering for that event if you have previously completed Board Member Boot Camp or wish to continue your learning.
Not Able to Attend Board Member Boot Camp in Person? If you are unable to participate in-person, please note that NACHC has over 50 resources available on-demand and at no cost to support health center boards and board members! Please visit NACHC’s Governance Page for information on resources to support your board. Some highlights include:
Health Center Board Roles & Responsibilities – This two-pager discusses the three major categories of health center board roles: Strategy, Oversight & Policy, and Board Functioning.
Additional resources can be found on the Health Center Resource Clearinghouse Governance Quick Finds Section. We anticipate that an elearning course on Board Roles will be available later in 2024.
Please sign up for the monthly Health Center Governance Spotlight for the latest information on governance resources available from NACHC.