CHI & EXPO is the ideal place to learn about current health center research activities and innovations. The 2024 Poster Presentations provide a unique opportunity to exchange ideas, problem-solve, and network with colleagues. Discover the results of innovative research initiatives and enjoy the opportunity to ask in-depth questions. This year we are also featuring posters highlighting collaborations between health centers and the CDC. To provide ample time for poster review, the 2024 Poster Presentations are scheduled for both Saturday and Sunday during CHI. Presenter attendance is required for Saturday, and strongly encouraged for Sunday’s presentations.
2024 NACHC Poster Presentation Awards There are 38 posters, including 7 A.T. Still University posters, to be presented during the 2024 poster session. Choose the Best in Show posters! Vote for your favorite Program Implementation or Quality Improvement and Research posters on the NACHC Mobile App by clicking on “Vote for the Best Posters.” When judging poster presentations, please consider the following criteria: innovation of information, presentation of poster, relevance of topic, impact of findings, replicability of innovation, and value of information to other health centers.
All poster voting MUST be completed by 3:00pm on Sunday, August 25.
All 2024 CHI Poster Presentation winners will be announced during Monday’s general session.
Prizes will be awarded to the TOP three winners in each category of Program Implementation or Quality Improvement and Research:
First Place: $250 AND a Complimentary Registration for the 2025 CHI & EXPO!
Second Place: $150
Third Place: $100
A.T. Still University (ATSU) This is the fourteenth graduating class of A.T. Still University (ATSU), with a very high percentage of these graduates continuing their professional journey into primary care. NACHC and ATSU continue their partnership in the development of America’s primary care physicians through the university’s innovative model of medical education, linking osteopathic training to the nation’s community health centers. See these student and faculty posters and become inspired by their commitment to community health and their vision of primary care delivery for the future.
The mission of the National Center for Community Health Research (NCCHR), a research alliance between NACHC and A.T. Still University, is to conduct quality research that considers the range of personal, social, economic, and environmental factors influencing health status; focus on underrepresented communities and vulnerable populations served by health centers; and address health equity by improving health, wellness, and well-being.