CSuG2 - Health Center Board Composition: Strategies for Board Recruitment and Engagement
Sunday, August 25, 2024
1:30 PM – 2:45 PM ET
Location: Regency VII
CPE:1.5 CME: 1.25 CE: 1.0 CEU: 1.25
Health center boards are unique because 51% of their members must be patients of the center. Ideally, a health center board is diverse, brings together varying perspectives, approaches recruitment as an ongoing activity, and regularly provides orientation and education. This interactive session will highlight the latest data on the effective practices that health centers are using to ensure strategic board composition and will include time for board members to learn from one another. It will also showcase various tools and resources available from NACHC that health center boards can utilize to support board member recruitment and engagement.
Learning Objectives:
Describe good practices for identifying and recruiting board members
Define good practices for orienting and engaging board members
Articulate goals for enhancing board member recruitment and engagement at your health center